Everything You Need to Know About Amethyst Jewelry

Amethysts are one of the most favored gemstones today! For centuries amethyst jewelry has been a symbol of abundance and spiritual healing.

From its symbolism to its use in royal and religious jewelry amethysts have a long history. But more about that later.

Let’s take a look at this beautiful gemstone and why it still ranks at the top when it comes to popularity.

Origin and Sources of Amethyst Jewelry


Like all species of gemstones, amethyst comes in a range of colors, from pale pinkish-purple, known as Rose de France, to deep shades of purple, almost indigo, and every shade in between.


Amazon Rose de France Briolettes Earrings

Click HERE for price and details.

Amethyst is quartz, but when we think of quartz we generally think of a colorless clear material. The purple hue comes from iron molecules within quartz crystals transforming them from colorless to various shades of purple.

Many consumers ask "What is the best color?" The answer to that question is: "The color that appeals most to YOU." It is the positive feeling or connection that occurs when you look at a gemstone.

Angara Split Shank Step-Cut Amethyst

Click HERE for price and details.

Their timeless beauty drives appeal with so many consumers; so why are amethysts so beautiful? Is there just one acceptable color? No, in fact every colored gemstone comes in a range of hues, so what distinguishes one stone's value from another?

In terms of assessing quality, gemstone buyers and businesses look for amethysts that have saturated, even color throughout the stone, color that is not too dark or too light (tone) and stones that are lively, not dull or lifeless.

Secondary colors, such as pink or blue flashes are sometimes seen-a great example is shown below. Notice the pink flashes in this gorgeous oval.

Secondary Pink Color in Amethyst

They are found all around the world: Brazil, Uruguay, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Morocco, India, Myanmar, but some of the highest-quality amethysts come from Russia where the mines there are for the most part depleted.

But you may be surprised to hear that amethyst is also found throughout North America; with the largest deposit located  in Thunder Bay Ontario, Canada.

                                     Global Amethyst Production

When most people think of amethyst, they think of Brazil and the beautiful amethyst geodes produced that are encrusted with gorgeous natural crystals; Brazil also produces the bulk of commercial quality stones.                    

Brazilian Amethyst Geode

Click HERE for price and details.


As with any gemstone, rarity, (supply and demand) plays a huge part when assigning value and price and of course, color is paramount.

Amethysts were once thought to be as valuable as diamonds and other precious gems, but today because they are more easily sourced than other gemstones their price has declined considerably. This was the case following the discovery of the seemingly unlimited deposits in Brazil.

Angara GIA Certified East West Amethyst Ring

Click HERE for price and details.

The Importance of the "story."

When consumers purchase valuable, high-priced items they want to know the story and the interesting details behind them, and that is certainly the case when it comes to gemstones.

Auction houses, such as Christie’s and Sotheby’s, sell valuable pieces and it is important that they know and share the background of each piece, who owned it and the symbolism or attributed lore, which may in certain cases increase value. The term that sums up all these factors is “provenance."

Christie's Jewelry Auction Catalog

In our own families, we may have jewelry that has been passed down to us and when someone asks about the piece, we love to share its story and significant history as well.                            

Angara Amethyst In Platinum

Click HERE for price and details.

Amethyst has a storied history.

For those people that believe in the power of crystals, amethyst symbolizes abundance, peace, clarity, and courage.

The name itself comes from the Greek word Amethustos meaning “unaffected by drink.”

It was believed by the ancient Greeks that wearing an amethyst stone would prevent intoxication which is why it was worn by bishops in the Catholic Church. Amethyst signified piety and sobriety.

In fact, Pope Benedict XIV declared that amethyst should be worn on the ring finger of any bishop or cardinal in order to ward off evil spirits (both kinds!)

Amethyst symbolized the Pope as head of the Catholic Church — but more specifically that he was chosen by God as His representative on Earth — hence why amethyst was chosen over any other gemstone.

Amethyst also carries connotations of piety due to its historical ties with Christianity and has been known as a symbol of humility since antiquity.

It is also believed that there was a connection between St. Valentine and amethyst, which is why it was designated the birthstone for February.

In Rome, soldiers wore amethysts as talismans of courage and strength.

In Egypt, they were carved into figures representing sacred gods that were used in ceremonies for protection.

And throughout Europe during the Renaissance period, amethysts were commonly used in rings and other pieces of jewelry worn by royalty and nobility.  There are several amethysts within the British Crown Jewels collection.

Today in Brazil master gem carvers create beautiful representations of wildlife in Brazil out of large amethyst crystals.              

Hand Carved Brazilian Amethyst 

For centuries, royal families and nobility around the world have decorated themselves with amethyst jewelry as a symbol of their wealth and power.

Amethysts have been a favorite of modern royals too, such as the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, wearing amethyst jewelry on the red carpet.

Whichever precious metal amethysts are set in, whether it is silver, yellow, rose, or white gold, the rich deep purple hue radiates beauty.

Individual artisans love to work with amethysts due to their intense beauty, and the lower investment required to buy eye-catching, large gems which they feature in bold designs.

Canadian Jewelry Artisan-Gayle MacPherson

Click HERE to see the full selection of Gayle's designs.

From necklaces to rings and earrings or a simple bead bracelet, there are many ways you can incorporate this gemstone into your wardrobe.

Plus, since they are less expensive, comparatively speaking, as many other gems they make great gifts too!

Three Stone GIA Certified Emerald-Cut Amethyst Ring

Click HERE for price and details.


Avoid exposing amethysts to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures, as heat or prolonged light exposure will fade the color.

Clean amethyst with mild liquid soap, warm water and soft brush. There are also safe and gentle jewelry cleaners.

Simple Shine Gentle Jewelry Cleaner

Click HERE for price and details.

Additionally, make sure each piece is stored separately to prevent scratching; store your jewelry in the packaging provided.

It is also a good idea to bring your amethyst jewelry in to your trusted jeweler for cleaning or service if required, once or twice a year.

Best Place to Buy Amethysts

When purchasing an amethyst piece it’s important to make sure the stone was ethically sourced. This means that no one was harmed in the mining or cutting processes.    

The best place to buy quality amethysts is through jewelers who specialize in conflict-free gemstones with certification from reputable sources such as: Gem Certification & Assurance Lab (GCAL) or The Gemological Institute of America (GIA.)  

Angara Amethyst Bracelet In Support of The Alzheimer's Association

Click HERE for price and details

Angara Amethyst Diamond Rose Gold Pendant

Click HERE for price and details.

In Conclusion:

Whether you appreciate their symbolism of abundance and peace, or admire them just for their lusciousness and beauty, there is no doubt that amethysts make fabulous jewelry that will last a lifetime!

Both online or in stores, you will find the perfect piece for yourself or someone special without breaking the bank!

So go ahead - treat yourself (or someone you love) to a stunning piece of amethyst jewelry today!

Angara Perfectly Matched Amethysts

Click HERE for price and details

Classic Amethyst Ear Studs

Click HERE for price and details.

Thank you for reading our article and remember, buy the gems you love, whether they are your birthstone or not!

Happy Shopping!

Francesca de Granville, G.G. (GIA), F.G.A.

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